Pronounced 'nay' people. College Freshman. Lovable. Married to the MUSIC. New Yorker: Proud Brooklynite!

Monday, January 3, 2011

LifeTime Movies: The CraigsList Killer

Sooo..tonight was the premiere of the Life Time movie The CraigsList Killer. I found it very interesting. After you watch a movie like that, comments on retardation just fill your mind. I just can't believe how blinded that woman was about her fiance´. I know that they say, "Love is blind," but love can't be THAT blinding. Jesus. 

The more I watched the movie, the more I've realized that he had real issues. It reminded of this book I read my freshman year of high school. The Catcher in the Rye. In the book, the main character (I forgot his name) found himself looking in windows of an apartment building. One of the windows he happened to look in he found himself seeing your everyday, successful business man...cross dressing. He wasn't cross dressing because that was his "style" but it was because he couldn't handle the responsibilities of being a man. A man is looked to symbolize success, power, stability, etc. The man in the window was stressed out from all of that. This seemed to be the case with the Craig's List Killer. He "had it all" as the media said, and from what you can see as well, but the stress of being a medical student drove him crazy. Well...he was already crazy in my mind. 

That's the reality of it all. I still aired my comments via Twitter, just felt they didn't belong here. At least not in this post.


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